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US formally rejoins UNESCO after five years of absence 2023 Exclusive

US formally rejoins UNESCO

After 5 years .July 2023
US formally rejoins UNESCO
US formally rejoins UNESCO

The United States formally rejoined the United Nations Scientific, Educational and Cultural Organization on Tuesday after a five-year absence. The US withdrawal at the Paris-based UNESCO was primarily based on concerns that China has filled a leadership deficit since the US withdrawal.

Trump Administration. UNESCO‘s governing board voted last week to approve the Biden administration’s proposal to re-induct the US. On Monday, the US delivered a document certifying that it would accept the invitation. On Tuesday, Audrey Azoulay, director general of UNESCO, said it was official.

A flag-raising ceremony and a reception with VIP guests are expected in late July When US formally rejoins UNESCO. “This is excellent news for UNESCO. The momentum that we have gained in the recent years will now continue to grow. Our initiative will grow stronger around the world,” Azoulay said.

The Biden administration announced last month that it would apply to rejoin the 193-member organization that plays a major role in setting international standards for artificial intelligence and technology education.

Now it is the 194th member of UNESCO. “Our organization is once again moving towards universalism,” Azoulay said. He called the United States’ withdrawal “excellent news for multilateralism overall”. If we are to meet the challenges of our century, there can only be a collective response.

The Trump administration announced in 2017 that the US would withdraw from UNESCO. , citing anti-Israel bias. The decision that took effect a year later. The US and Israel ceased funding to UNESCO in 2011 after they voted to admit Palestine as a member state.

The Biden administration has requested $150 million for the 2024 budget to clear UNESCO dues and dues. The plan predicts similar requests for years to come until the $619 million loan is repaid in full. It forms a large part of UNESCO’s $534 million annual operating budget.

Before leaving, the US had contributed 22% of the agency’s overall funding. The United States had previously pulled out of UNESCO in 1984 under the Reagan administration because it found the agency mismanaged, corrupt, and used to advance Soviet interests. It rejoined in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush.

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