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Janet Yellen says visit will help bring US-China ties to ‘certain level’

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Sunday that her talks with top Chinese officials


US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Sunday that her talks with top Chinese officials had helped bring ties to a “certain level”, as she launched a new deal aimed at stabilizing strained relations between the two largest economies. Completed the journey.

During her four-day visit – which followed a visit by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken – Janet Yellen stressed the need for healthy economic competition and better communication, and urged cooperation on the “existential threat” posed by climate change.

“We believe the world is big enough for both of our countries to develop,” she told reporters at the US embassy in Beijing on Sunday. Ko stressed stable relations with China. Beijing’s official Xinhua news agency said on Saturday that Janet Yellen’s meeting with Vice Premier He Lifeng agreed to “strengthen communication and cooperation”.

Addressing global challenges. Readout It said the two sides also agreed to continue exchanges. Janet Yellen said on Sunday that although there are “significant disagreements” between the countries, their talks were “direct, substantive and productive”.

“My bilateral meetings – — which lasted nearly 10 hours over two days — marked a step forward in our effort to bring US-China relations to a stronger level,” he said. ”I am confident that we will have more frequent and regular communication.”

Topping the biggest list of disagreements are Washington’s trade sanctions, which it says are critical to protecting national security. On Sunday, Yellen said she had emphasized that Washington’s measures “are not used by us to gain economic advantage.”

with national security in mind,” she said. And with the US considering new sanctions that would more tightly control US outbound investment in China, Yellen said any new move would need to be done in a ”transparent manner”. “Will be implemented from.” I emphasized that it will be highly targeted. and clearly directed narrowly at some areas where we have specific national security concerns,” she said. “I want to allay their fears that we will do something that will have a cascading effect on the Chinese economy.” is not the case, it is not the intention.”

He also said he had raised “serious concerns” over “unfair economic practices” by Beijing. He also cited barriers to foreign companies’ entry into the Chinese market, as well as issues related to protecting intellectual property.” Referring to the recent national security crackdown against American companies in China, he said, I have concerns about the recent increase in punitive actions against.” During a roundtable of experts on Saturday, Yellen also stressed the “critical” need for the two biggest greenhouse gas emitters to cooperate on climate finance.

“The United States and China must work together to address this existential threat,” he said. Declare,” said Yun Sun, director of the China Program at the Stimson Center in Washington. This level of communication and consultation hasn’t happened in years,” he told AFP. Last month, Biden expressed confidence he would soon meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

Lindsay Gorman, senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States Said: “I think the under-appreciated audience is actually US allies and partners in the region and globally. The main target because this visit is really a messaging target,” he told AFP.

Among the objectives are to communicate how Washington views its economic relationship with China, and to dispel the notion that it may pursue “pure zero-sum competition” – while also indicating that It is a goal of a fair playing field. Overall, China’s response to Yellen’s visit appears to be “more upbeat” than to Blinken’s visit, as they are perceived to be more aggressive, said Wu Xinbo, director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University.

“Yellen is seen as a professional. The Chinese’s view and their attitude towards Sino-US economic and trade relations is relatively rational,” Wu Taylor Frawell of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology told AFP. target can be achieved.”

But Yellen’s visit and comments express support for continued US-China economic cooperation, “despite political differences in the relationship and competitive actions around limiting China’s access to certain technologies such as semiconductors.”

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