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10 years since the birth of the movement: #BlackLivesMatter



Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a social justice movement that advocates for the rights and equality of Black individuals. It emerged after the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s killer in 2013 and gained significant momentum following the deaths of other Black individuals such as Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Breonna Taylor.

On July 13, 2013, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter first appeared, causing a stir. Agitation. Alicia Garza, an angry and saddened California resident, posted a message on Facebook on July 13, 2013, after George Zimmerman, a Florida man who killed black teen Martin, was acquitted. His post included the phrase “Black lives matter”, which soon became a rallying cry.

Outcry and a movement throughout the United States and around the world. Shot in 2012 in a Florida gated community where his father lived, Martin was one of the earliest symbols of a movement that now wields influence in politics, law enforcement and the broader conversation.

The racial progress movement in and outside the US aims to raise awareness about systemic racism, police brutality, and the various forms of injustice faced by black people. It seeks to drive positive change through protest, advocacy, education and community involvement.

BLM seeks to address issues such as racial profiling, discriminatory practices, mass incarceration, and socioeconomic inequalities that disproportionately affect the black community. One of the core tenets of the Black Lives Matter movement is to acknowledge that black lives are undervalued and that systemic racism continues to persist in various aspects of society.

It promotes the idea that everyone should actively work towards dismantling these systems of oppression and building a more equitable and just society. It is important to note that the Black Lives Matter movement does not suggest that other lives do not matter, but rather highlights specific issues that are faced. by black people.

The movement aims to draw attention to these issues in order to promote understanding, empathy and meaningful change. Since its inception, the movement has sparked important conversations, influenced policy changes, and inspired global discussion about racial inequality.

While the Black Lives Matter movement originated in the United States, it has had a significant impact around the world. It has inspired protests, advocacy and conversation about racial inequality and systemic racism in many countries, demonstrating its global reach and resonance. However, it is worth mentioning that Black Lives Matter is a decentralized movement, and different individuals and groups may have different views on it. specific issue or strategy.

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